

ESG strategy and priorities

Wendel’s approach to environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards is based on responsibility and is rooted in a firm belief in the core values of engagement, excellence, and entrepreneurship. Those values drive Wendel’s behavior both as a company and an investor to deliver its mission: engaging with entrepreneurial teams to build sustainable leading companies.

Wendel’s ESG approach
Our ESG strategy
2 pillars
  • Building sustainable leaders within the portfolio
  • Empowering excellence and engagement within Wendel
Our priority commitments
  • Employee health and safety
  • Climate change mitigation
  • Equity and diversity
  • Products and services with environmental added value
Measurable ESG performance

Our strategy for 2023

For some time, ̽Ʒhas believed that ESG standards constitute a driver for sustainable growth.
Buoyed by a 300-year-old culture of excellence, engagement and entrepreneurship, we are committed to becoming a role model for corporate peers, and supporting talented management teams across the world in building the sustainable leading companies of tomorrow.

As a responsible company, ̽Ʒhas made significant commitments to ensure that its internal operations comply with its values and the ESG objectives set within its portfolio companies. The Group promotes positive and transparent governance and business ethics, is committed to a stimulating and inclusive work environment, and is mindful of its environmental and climate footprint.

As a professional, long-term investor, the Group aspires to support and transform with potential, in order to deliver investment returns for shareholders as well as lasting benefits to society. We continuously encourage our portfolio companies to put sustainability at the heart of their culture and operational and innovation processes.

Pillar 1
Empowering excellence and engagement within Wendel

Foster excellence and commitment in:

  • governance, ethics,
  • respect for the environment,
  • employability, inclusion and employees’ engagement.
Pillar 2
Building sustainable leaders within the portfolio

Invest to support the prosperity and transformation of companies that are respectful of society and the environment.

Highlights 2022

In 2022, ̽Ʒimplemented concrete actions in line with its 4 priorities to achieve the ambitions it has set for itself as a responsible company and as an investor.

– Empowering excellence and engagement within Wendel
Employee health and safety

100% of requests for daycare places fulfilled

Equity and diversity

40% women in management positions

– Building sustainable leaders within the portfolio
Employee health and safety

The consolidated frequency rate of workplace accidents in controlled companies was 0.95, down 17% compared to 2021

Climate change mitigation

Over 99% of the CO₂ emissions of companies controlled by ̽Ʒhave their trajectory approved by the SBTi*

* Based on emissions as of December 31, 2022 and SBTi-approved pathways as of April 30, 2023.

Equity and diversity

29% of members of the Boards of Directors of controlled companies are women, up 3 points compared with 2021

Products and services with environmental added value

55% of sales with environmental added value in the portfolio of companies

Useful links