

Ethics and compliance

Wendel’s Code of Ethics

Following a full overhaul, a new ̽ƷCode of Ethics was adopted by the Executive Board with the support of the Supervisory Board in 2020. This new framework places exemplary business conduct at the heart of the Group’s long-term investment activity and illustrates the company’s will to adopt a loyal and responsible conduct towards all its collaborators and stakeholders, going beyond legal requirements. This Code of ethics also ensures the permanent compliance of Wendel’s activities with laws and regulations, while strengthening the Group’s ethics in regard to human rights protection, responsible employment and citizen engagement.

The ethical principles and values defined in this Code of Ethics guide the conduct of our business. ̽Ʒpromotes an approach based on responsibility and applies a zero-tolerance policy in that context.

The Code of Ethics applies to all employees and managers of the Company, its holding companies and its establishments. ̽Ʒrequires companies in which it invests to adopt similar standards.

Compliance at Wendel

̽Ʒensures that its activities comply with all laws and regulations regarding anti-money laundering, economic-sanction programs and related tax obligations, preventing corruption and competition law. It takes steps to provide a respectful work environment for all of its employees, by promoting diversity, equal opportunity and the privacy of personal data. In return, ̽Ʒemployees must use the Company’s operational resources in an appropriate manner that is consistent with their work purpose. ̽Ʒstrives to communicate information that is accurate, precise and fairly presented to investors, shareholders and analysts; it also upholds the principle of equality of information and protects the confidentiality of privileged information. The Company’s employees are expected to recognize and avoid potential conflicts of interest. ̽Ʒbuilds relationships of trust with its partners in accordance with the interests of the Company. Lastly, ̽Ʒis a socially responsible company; it adopts environmentally friendly practices and actively contributes to the community.

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