

Supporting the influence
of family enterprise

Through its partnership with Insead, an internationally renowned business school, ̽Ʒhas supported education since 1996. The Group first encouraged the creation of a university chair dedicated to family businesses, and then, in response to the success of this chair, the ̽ƷInternational Center was created to focus on the study and research of family enterprise.

Today, the Center is a true center of excellence that welcomes participants from all over the world. The creation of the ̽ƷInternational Center for Family Enterprise has made it possible to develop educational programs for members of family businesses and the employees of these companies. The entity aims to raise awareness and promote understanding of family business as a model of sustainability.

Priscilla de Moustier, Chairwoman of Wendel-Participations SE and member of the Supervisory Board, represents ̽Ʒon the Board of Directors of the Center.