

ESG as an investment priority

Invest to support the prosperity and transformation of companies that are respectful of society and the environment.

ESG performance is embedded in Wendel’s approach as a long-term investor. Its permanent capital and the stability of its shareholder base gives it the time and ability to carefully develop and transform the companies in which it invests, delivering both return on investment to its shareholders and lasting benefits to society.

The framework for assessing investment opportunities used by ̽Ʒprovides for a systematic analysis of ESG risks and opportunities. In strict compliance with its role as a shareholder, ̽Ʒencourages policies and decisions that contribute to the creation of shared and sustainable value, as well as transparency and regular communication in terms of ESG performance.

Responsible investment policy

Building sustainable companies

In order to support Wendel’s teams in integrating key sustainable development issues into investment decisions, portfolio management and exit processes, several steps and tools have been defined. The approach is both ambitious and pragmatic.

Investment phase

All investment opportunities are systematically assessed through a newly defined exclusion list and a business model resilience test. The ESG maturity of the companies is then assessed as part of an in-depth Sustainability due diligence.

Holding phase

An ESG transformation roadmap is defined for each portfolio company, based on ESG due diligence carried out in advance. This roadmap systematically includes items related to operational eco-efficiency with a strong focus on climate change issues as well as the ESG innovation of products and services. Investment teams at ̽Ʒand portfolio companies’ management teams are also held accountable for progress against this roadmap with an alignment of variable remuneration with performance.

Exit phase

The transformation achieved within the company will be highlighted and showcased through an exit memo and presented to the Supervisory Board. When circumstances allow it, ̽Ʒensures wherever possible, that it associates the teams of the divested company with the value created.

Exclusion policy

The Investment Exclusion Policy is reviewed each year by Wendel’s Executive Board.

In addition to refraining from investing in entities involved in the production, marketing or use of, or trade in, illegal products or activities, ̽Ʒwill also not invest in entities directly responsible for the production, distribution, marketing or trading in:

  1. Tobacco;
  2. Pornography;
  3. Controversial weapons, as defined by the following treaties:
    – The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (1968),
    – The Biological Weapons Convention (1975),
    – The Chemical Weapons Convention (1997),
    – The Ottawa Treaty (1997) on anti-personnel mines,
    – The Convention on Cluster Munitions (2008);
  4. Firearms ;
  5. Gambling facilities or products;
  6. Coal mining and coal-based power generation;
  7. Drugs for recreational use ;
  8. Fur ;
  9. Asbestos.

In addition to the sector exclusions set out above for all of the Company’s direct investments, ̽Ʒwill also pay the utmost attention to indirect economic exposure to these business segments, in particular when examining investment opportunities that have passed the first filter of the exclusion list.

ESG performance of our companies

As an investor for the long term, Wendel’s key goal is to support and transform companies with the potential to develop in a changing world and t deliver both return on investment to its shareholders and lasting benefits to society.

Useful links