
Legal notice


Societas europeae (European Company) with an Executive Board and a Supervisory Board with capital of €177,847,988.
Head office:
4 rue Paul-Cézanne
75008 Paris (France)
Tel. +33 (0)1 42 85 30 00 – Fax: +33 (0)1 42 80 68 67

SIRET : 572 174 035 00079
NAF : 7010Z
Intracommunity VAT number: FR29 572 174 035

The purpose of this website is to provide you with information on WENDEL. As a visitor of this site, you acknowledge that you have had the opportunity to consult the website’s terms and conditions. We make every effort to ensure that the information communicated on this site is accurate and up-to-date, and we reserve the right to correct it at any time and without prior notice.

WENDEL cannot guarantee the accuracy, correctness or completeness of the information made available on this site, including any hyperlinks and other links to electronic data reached directly or indirectly via this site. It is the responsibility of the visitor to verify the information presented via other means, including contacting the Group.

WENDEL accepts no liability for:

  • inaccuracies or omissions in the information presented on this website;
  • any loss caused by a fraudulent third-party intrusion leading to changes in the information presented on the site;
  • and more generally any loss incurred, whether direct or indirect, regardless of its cause, origin, nature, or consequences, resulting from access to the site or an inability to access the site, or from reliance on any information obtained directly or indirectly from the site.

The information presented on this website may not be considered an invitation to invest. This information should by no means be considered a solicitation, nor is it an offer to subscribe to, purchase or trade shares or other securities of the WENDEL Group. For this reason, the information has not been verified by the regulators as required under the procedures for securities issues offered to the public.

Furthermore, unless otherwise stipulated, the intellectual property rights related to the documents on this site and each of the items created for this site are the exclusive property of WENDEL.

Permission to reproduce any document published on this website is granted solely for information purposes for personal and private usage. Reproduction and use of the material for any other purpose is expressly prohibited.


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