
ESG Investors


For nearly a decade, Wendel’s Sustainable Development Team and ESG Committee have been implementing and developing initiatives to increase the Group’s ESG performance as well as transparency and the quality of its extra-financial information. Since 2019, Wendel’s long-standing efforts have been recognized by the external extra-financial ratings agencies that have assessed the performance of Wendel.

Summary of Wendel’s extra-financial ratings in 2023

Score of 76/100
̽Ʒis the only French company in the Diversified Financials sector to be present in the World and Europe indices
AA rating
Ranked among industry leaders
Classified as “Negligible Risk”
#1 among its peers with the same level of market capitalization
Top 50 ESG Performer
B- rating
“Climate change management” level
Score of 75/100
Score of 3.4/5
Above the industry average (2.4/5)
C+ rating, Prime status
Among the top 10% of companies in the sector & the most transparent companies
Score of 58/100
Ranked 4th in its sector

ESG Roadshows

As an investor and a listed company, ̽Ʒhas put ESG at the heart of its strategy. ̽Ʒorganizes and participates in financial communication events dedicated to ESG throughout the year in order to facilitate the readability and understanding of its ESG priorities by equity and bond investors. The company has also implemented a targeted extra-financial rating strategy in order to provide benchmarks of its extra-financial performance to investors.

ESG Strategy and priorities

Wendel’s approach to environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards is based on responsibility and is rooted in a firm belief in the core values of engagement, excellence, and entrepreneurship. Those values drive Wendel’s behavior both as a company and an investor to deliver its mission: engaging with entrepreneurial teams to build sustainable leading companies.

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